READ: 20 Questions with Mike Westby
BIO: Mike Westby began his career in journalism, spending his first six years out of college as an award-winning sports columnist. But more than 30 years ago, Mike put down his pen and moved into the development field and hasn’t looked back. He places a distinct focus on major gifts and strategic fundraising campaigns, and over the years he’s represented a diverse group of organizations and missions, including hospitals and healthcare agencies, universities, secondary schools, museums, zoos, aquariums, symphonies, theaters, social service agencies, humane societies, national youth associations, and police associations. Mike has represented projects that have generated in excess of $300,000,000 and counting.
Early in his development career, Mike had the opportunity to rejuvenate several stalled capital campaigns and in the process, developed a reputation for this distinct talent. It’s this experience that forms Westby Associates’ core business strategy. By identifying the common failures in underachieving campaigns, Mike created a consultant/practitioner model that “corrects the mistakes before they happen.” His model has grown rapidly throughout the Pacific Northwest and is responsible for some great facilities and endowed programs in locations including, Seattle, Tacoma, Longview, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Portland, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Hood River and The Dalles.
Mike has an intimate and comprehensive knowledge of individual philanthropy, as well as foundation and corporate giving, based on solid relationships with leaders in those respective categories. He’s also been recommended to clients by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, the Meyer Memorial Trust, Bank of America, and First Independent Bank, among others. He formerly authored a monthly advice column for the Washington Development Officers Association Trade Journal, for which he received a commendation.
Mike and his wife Patti have three children, Juliea, Jack, and Abigail. They live in Battle Ground, Washington.